Cloud version of all the add-ons listed above use Jira Rest API to pull data from customer's Jira Cloud instance in real-time.
Every request to the add-ons is validated using the JSON Web Token (JWT) passed from the Jira Cloud Instance to the add-on.
The software for these add-ons is hosted on Linode cloud servers located in the Newark, NJ, USA datacenter and keycdn content delivery network.

All the add-ons collect and store Jira users' Name, Email Address, Jira userkey, Jira username and Timezone information, along with the customers' add-on subscription information.

None of the Jira issues data is stored in our database.

Only authorized people on the support team have access to cloud servers. Support team accesses the servers to troubleshoot any problems with the application.

The storage database is backed up once every day and the backups are retained for 30 days.